Akhadjon Yuldoshev

Akhadjon Yuldoshev is a lawyer at MY LAWYER Law Firm.

He is a graduate of the Tashkent State University of Law and he was among "Top-50 Students of TSUL" based on his high GPA rating during the period between 2019-2022. In addition to his studies at the university, Akhadjon successfully completed an internship in the Department for Analysis of Law and Order Enforcement Problems of the General Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan. Also, Akhadjon successfully completed the course on «Financial Security». Due to the completion of the course with distinction Akhadjon was chosen by the members of the Department on Combatting Economic Crimes under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan to participate in the International Financial Security Olympiad 2022, which took place in Sochi, the Russian Federation.

Akhadjon was also a member of the team of the Tashkent State University of Law, which participated in the 2023 Moot Court Competition of the International Criminal Court organized by International Bar Association that took place in The Hague, the Netherlands.

As part of his work at MY LAWYER Law Firm, he specializes in corporate law, labor law and tax law. He deals with issues of company registration and reorganization, legal support of business. Together with the firm's attorneys, he participates in the resolution of corporate and labor disputes.

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