
The partners of MY LAWYER Law Firm Djamshid Turdaliev and Eldorkhon Fayzullakhujaev participated in Tashkent Vis Pre-Moot 2024 as arbitrators

The partners of MY LAWYER Law Firm Djamshid Turdaliev and Eldorkhon Fayzullakhujaev participated in Tashkent Vis Pre-Moot 2024 as arbitrators, evaluating the teams of Tashkent State Law University, University of World Economy and Diplomacy, International Westminster University in Tashkent.

The partners of MY LAWYER Law Firm, who acted as arbitrators, noted the high level of preparation of all three teams, which showed their best oral pleadings on the given case.

MY LAWYER Law Firm wishes all teams good luck in the further stages of Vis Moot 2024!

2024-02-26 09:00